Saturday, March 16, 2013

PE Reflection

My pitch has become much better this semester. Looking back on my goals,
1) I did memorize pitch along with vocabulary words. This has proved to be much better then memorizing pitch after vocabulary, since it's very hard to change the way I pronounce something once I'm used to it a certain way. However, sometimes I ignore the memorized pitch pattern when I speak fast.
2) I have been more conscious of pitch when shadowing this semester. Not surprisingly, it's much better both in the shadowing recordings and in speech reproduction.
3) Unfortunately, I haven't been able to visit office hours and do as much shadowing as I hoped. I am thinking of spending less time on learning extra kanji so I can use it to improve speaking instead. Shadowing is usually better for pitch practice than office hours because the focus in office hours is on grammar.

It was definitely a good idea to start good pitch habits now instead of waiting. It is harder to learn new vocabulary, but I am ultimately saving time in the end by not forcing myself to un-learn a bad pitch pattern later.

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