Sunday, November 11, 2012

PE Cycle 3

Reflecting on my goals from the last PE cycle,

(1) I went to 日本語のテーブル one  of the two weeks. 火曜日 is a とてもむずかしい日 for me so this is acceptable.
(2) 私は よく『office hours』いきました! I need to keep doing it however.
(3) The flashcards are a bit inefficient, but I'm using a more high-tech version this next cycle...

For this cycle, there are new difficulties.  新しいgoals are:
(1) Start learning かんじ seriously.
(2) Improve conversational fluency
(3) Try to practice more often with less time in each session rather than do a few marathon sessions.

Some 新しい  plans for 今週:
(1) I recently got an 新しいiPhone, so I am trying to use its capabilities to learn 日本語。I've started using an app for flash cards that uses something called spaced repetition system. The idea is that if you get a vocabulary card correct, the app will show it less and less often, but it will show hard ones more often. Plus its much easier than carrying hundreds of flashcards around, and it ensures you never forget vocabulary from long ago, because they never go away forever, they just reappear less and less frequently. But the system depends on you using it daily! So my goals is to use it 毎日 this cycle.
(2) In line with my iPhone theme, I also got an app called iKanji which teaches you かんじ, even the writing. The beauty of using apps is that I can practice 日本ご anywhere now. No more time wasted waiting in lines or walking across キャウンパス - I can use it for micro study-sessions. So my goal is to use iKanji this cycle whenever I am waiting and have nothing to do but twidle my thumbs.
(3) Of course, apps are great, but it can only supplement actual conversation in 日本語. This weekend I want to practice 日本語 with a study buddy.

1 comment:

  1. おはよう!
    あたらしい apps for studying, you say? わたしはこれがすきです!If the apps help out a lot and you report success at the end of this cycle, I may try them out myself, ハハハ! I hope it all works out for you!
