Wednesday, February 6, 2013


このセメスターは, it's time to start taking pitch more seriously. Now that I don't struggle (as much!) at fluency, comprehension, and grammar, I need to learn proper pitch to minimize 私のアメリカのアクセント. I can improve it in a number of ways:

(1) 今、when  I learn 新しいボキャブラリー (or review 古いの), I will practice out loud using the pitch pattern in なかまきょうか書。
(2) Pay more attention to pitch when シャドーイングをします。So far, I mostly pay attention to speed, but it's time to push myself more.
(3) Get as much exposure to listening to natives as I can. This means オフィスアワーや CDを聞きます。I also found a handy site that has good listening practice. ウェブサイトのなまえは「」です。

このセメスターはたくさんかんじがあります!I have found that studying radicals is immensely helpful in learning to write the かんじ (though it doesn't really help with 読む them.) たとえば、新 = 立 + 木 + 斤。 そして、 語 = 言 + 五 + 口。 When writing, it's much easier for me to remember three radicals than trying to remember over a dozen individual strokes. Many radicals are かんじ themselves too, so it really helps. So, before the セメスター ends I want to learn all the bushu radicals, except the obscure ones. <> gives you all theじょうよう かんじ for each radical, so I can ignore the radicals that only appear in a few kanji. If I learn (meaning I learn how 書く it and the えいご definition, not the 日本語 reading) then it should be a manageable goal since I've already learned many dozen. Most radicals are only a few strokes, though exceptions like 鼻(えいごで "nose", 14 strokes) exist. Still, I find the radicals very useful and おもしろい.

My primary semester goal is to improve pitch while continuing work on grammar, speaking fluency, etc. As a bonus goal I will try to learn the radicals too, which will make future classes much easier (I hear you have to learn something like かんじ十五つ、毎日 in PII!)

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